Saturday, 1 November 2014

Election and ceremonies

The Lord Mayor is elected at Common Hall by Liverymen. Eligible candidates must have served as Sheriffs and be a current Alderman.

The election takes place at Michaelmas on 29th September and is usually by a show of hands.

The new Lord Mayor is sworn in and takes office on the Friday before the second Saturday in November. This ceremony is known as the Silent Ceremony, as no speeches are made. 

At the Guildhall, the outgoing Mayor transfers the Mayoral insignia, the Seal, the Purse, the Sword and the Mace to the incoming Lord Mayor during the Silent Ceremony. A swordbearer wears a Moscovy fur hat which has a small pocket in which he keeps the key to the seals safe. This is passed to the outgoing Mayor, who passes it to the incoming Mayor, who returns it to the swordbearer with the instruction 'keep it under your hat'

Each Lord Mayor is given a tricorn hat made by the Feltmakers Company. The new Mayor wears this hat at the Silent Ceremony, and the doffing of the hat by the new Lord Mayor and the removal of the hat by the outgoing Mayor marks the handover of the office.

The following day a procession from Guildhall to the Royal Courts of Justice, known as The Lord Mayors Show takes place. The Lord Mayor travels in a guided coach and is presented to The Lord Chief Justice to swear allegiance to the Sovereign. 

The Lord Mayors Banquet is held at the Mansion House on the Monday following The Lord Mayors Show. The Prime Minister is the principal speaker. The outgoing Mayor is not invited, and must observe a period of purdah until the following Easter. 

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