Wednesday, 5 November 2014

In the dead of night, a crucial practice run for the Lord Mayor's Show

       By Luke Hanrahan: ITV London Reporter

As London slept this morning, its streets were transformed during a crucial practice run, in the dead of night, for the Lord Mayor's Show.

A gilded coach, drawn by six shire horses, wound its way through the capital.

Credit: ITV News

Tens of thousands will line the streets to watch an event which dates back to 1189, the official ceremony to acknowledge the new Lord Mayor. So the pressure is on to get it right.

Credit: ITV News

We do this specifically for two purposes. One is to take the Lord Mayor through his paces because he is somebody who doesn't have any experience of this. He's not a soldier. He's not a member of the Royal Family. He doesn't know how to inspect a Guard of Honour. So he's got to rehearse that.

We're also taking a team of horses through it because you've got a team of six horses and it's a very specific configuration of horses.

Credit: ITV News

The Lord Mayor elect began his 4am journey around the oldest parts of town.

Credit: ITV News

The Lord Mayor is the ambassador for financial services. About 5% of his time is doing ceremonial stuff. The rest is out selling the country.


Despite the early hour a few Londoners were up, some were bemused. Others were just getting on with their jobs but most were amazed by what they saw.

So if you thought you saw a Lord in a funny hat inside a gilded horse drawn carriage you weren't dreaming. The real thing takes place on Saturday.

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