Saturday 25 October 2014

Livery Companies Walk Map

Start at Cannon Street station
Left out of station and into Dowgate Hill
Into College Street onto Skinners Lane and into Little Trinity Lane
Look across to Upper Thames Street
Continue up Little Trinity Lane into Great Trinity Lane 
Cross Queen Victoria Street into Bow Lane
Back onto Queen Victoria Street, up Queen Street to Cheapside.
Turn into Ironmongers Lane.
Back onto Cheapside and into King Street to the Guildhall in Gresham Street.
Down Aldermanbury to Aldermanbury Square.
Look over to Fore Street.
Go across to Wood Street via St Albans Court and into corner of Oat Street and Staining Lane 
Continue into Oat Lane and onto Noble Street
Back to Gresham Street and into Gutter Lane
Through alleyway beside Saddlers Hall and out onto Foster Lane
Along to Cheapside - end 

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