Friday 24 October 2014

St James Garlickhythe

Name of the church is derived from hythe, meaning landing place or jetty. Garlic, a vital preservative and medicine in the Middle Ages was uploaded here on the stretch of the Thames to be traded on Garlick Hill.

The steeple is one of the City's most ornate, said to resemble an ornate wedding cake.

After the Great Fire, Wren rebuilt the church at a cost of £5,357. 10 s and 10 1/2d

In 2012, eight bells were commissioned by the church to be hung on a floating belfry and rung to herald the royal procession on the flotilla of Queen Elizabeth IIs Diamond Jubilee celebrations. 

Church door gate surrounded by golden bunches of grapes. The Vintners Company Hall is opposite and the church is used in their annual procession.

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