Friday 24 October 2014

Mercers Company - 1

Premier livery company ranks first in order of precedence.

Originally a trade association for general merchants, especially exporters of wool, silk and luxury fabrics. Mercer is derived from the Latin merx, meaning merchandise. The word merchant also derives from this. The Mercers Company was etablished in 1220, and a Royal Charter granted in 1394. 

Mercers Hall is in Ironmonger Lane, off Poultry. 

The original building was destroyed in the Great Fire, and the second hall built in 1676. This was destroyed by fire during the Blitz, and the present Hall built in 1958. The Mercers Company is the only Livery Company to have its own private chapel. 

The Mercers Maiden is the symbol and coat of arms of the company. Precise origins are unknown, but Maiden property marks are often found on exterior walls of buildings belonging to the company around the city.

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