Friday 24 October 2014

Painter Stainers Company - 28

Earliest mention of Paynters who decorated, guilted and coloured solid objects such as wood, metal and stone in the Middle Ages.

Steyners applied colour to woven fabrics.

In 1502 the Paynters and Steyners united to form the Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers. 

Queen Elizabeth I approved of the company as it's members maintained painting standards, and made sure her image through portraits was favourably presented. 

In 1685 James II granted a charter conferring powers in London and Westminster and within 6 miles.

Eleven livery men of the company have served as Lord Mayor. 

The company has links with The Royal Academy - Sir Joshua Reynolds was a company member, and nowadays the Presidents of the RA are Honorary Liverymen. 

Evening classes in paInting were to be the forerunner of the City and Guilds of London Institute. 

The original Painters Hall was destroyed on the Great Fire, rebuilt and then destroyed in WW2. Reopened in 1961 in Little Trinity Lane 

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